Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Economy a Few Weeks Later, No Surprises

Time flies! But not much has changed since my last post. Exactly as I predicted, Gold and Silver are flying high. Silver is about to pierce $27 per ounce and gold is rapping at the door of Room 1400! ROOM SERVICE!

The "Tea Party" means absolutely nothing, as doesn't the GOP house takeover. None of these professional politicians save Ron Paul (Rand is a chump, bought and paid for by TPTB by the way) will do ANYTHING to A) Audit the Fed B) Stop the bleeding of the defecit in trillions and rising or C) Quit bailing out "too big to fail" who also always seem to be friends of the highest in high places, cronyism at its best.

I hate to be pessimistic, but all I can say is the world financial system is about to implode and gold and silver are the only things I can see that will hold some value while the paper currencies become worthless under the weight of endless money printing.
Besides maybe drinking water and a year's supply of dehydrated foods?