Thursday, June 30, 2011

Great Analysis of a Complex Subject, Silver! What Else?

Well the subject of this blog was supposed to be taxes.....but to be honest, with four trillion dollar wars and more to come, complete meltdowns possible in currencies, stocks, and even cash in the bank, spiraling food costs, nuclear disaster here and there (flooded Nebraska nuke plants...OH I forgot, the American media doesn't cover that!), I see no real hope of any economic recovery very soon, so taxes are just kind of boring these days compared to other topics!
Speaking of my favorite topic, I found a great summary of where the silver market sits right now.
The author of this post from is Eric Sprott, a Canadian billionaire who is a major metals fund manager and a silver bull! This long article is well worth reading, it explains one very crazy market quite well. Paste the following into your address bar, it is worth a few minutes reading!