Saturday, November 12, 2011

ALERT! An absolute must-read for all businesspeople!

Hi everybody. I read this and just HAD to share it with as many smart people as I can reach. Please read this article. It explains what is about to happen with the economy in plain language. And it is scary. But to be forewarned is to be forearmed so it could be scarier: if you DON'T read this. "They" do not want you to read this. Please copy the following link and paste it into your browser's address bar. If you have trrouble copying this link, the article is found on the website which ia a daily read for me, article is called "Exeter's Pyramid"

Also, beware the MF Global is going to be clear soon that NO PAPER FINANCIAL ACCOUNT IS TRULY SAFE FROM THE FINGERS OF "them!" They used CLIENT FUNDS, went bankrupt. and nobody including the CME or the "watchdog" CFTC is doing a thing about it. Didn't mean to scare you!