Sunday, February 6, 2011

All Aboooooaard! The Silver Train is about to leave the station! CHOO CHOO!

Here is a great article about "Backwardation." Normally, metal prices would be lower today than the price for a future delivery, due to storage and insurance costs associated with holding precious metals. But during the rare state of "backwardation" the current price is HIGHER than the future price, a sure sign of physical shortage in the present. The link here is a to a good article that explains this fairly well -

The world economy is going to heck in a handbasket and the money supply is going through the roof in the trillions. I am not a certified financial planner and you should do your own research, but I am putting my savings into physical silver. Think about 1964, a silver quarter bought a gallon of gas (about 25 cents.) Today, a silver quarter buys a gallon of gas (well maybe not in California, but everywhere else) about 2.85 or so.

What has the Federal Reserve (A private corporation by the way) done for us in 98 years? Basically eroded 90% of the value of your dollars! Holding paper money these days is a fool's game, in my humble opinion. I hope this gives you some food for thought!

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