Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hola! Que tal! Senor Chavez quiere his ORO! (Gold, I say!)

A huge event occurred today.....Hugo Chavez, remember the guy who said he smelled sulfur on the UN podium where our President "W" had just spoken a few years ago? Yeah, THAT GUY! Well, our amigo de Venezuela has ASKED FOR HIS GOLD BACK! ALL 99 TONS! The NERVE of anybody asking the Bank of Bloody England, and The Most Holy FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK for their deposited gold back?
I can't wait to see what happens! Maybe a shipwreck is in the cards? Or a downed 747 over the Atlantic, not findable?
Read more commentary from one of my favorite daily bloggers, at
I believe $1,800 per ounce is going to sound like a bargain in the near future, who knows?
Adios Amigos! Hola el Oro!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Gold will take a correction. I am going to take profits on GG unless something out there says otherwise for the short term.
