Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Fiscal Cliff" and other Non-Sense

The "fiscal cliff" has been a hot news topic lately, but where were the investigative reporters when trillions of dollars were sent overseas to bail out crooked banks and God-only-knows who else in 2008?
Our "cliff" is here and it will be a doozie! 
The only question in this "debate" is whether it will hurt the middle class much sooner or a little later. It is going to hurt everyone in time.
If mortgage interest deductions are cut back, limited, or trimmed in any way, housing prices will suffer more than they have already. 
If itemized deductions are limited, average families will see their budgets squeezed more than ever.
If child credits are smacked down, cash will disappear from middle-class households overnight.
I am keeping up on the "news" and will keep you posted on what I think might happen. But nobody knows until the crooks pass the laws that they don't even read!

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