Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Fiscal Cliff" and other Non-Sense

The "fiscal cliff" has been a hot news topic lately, but where were the investigative reporters when trillions of dollars were sent overseas to bail out crooked banks and God-only-knows who else in 2008?
Our "cliff" is here and it will be a doozie! 
The only question in this "debate" is whether it will hurt the middle class much sooner or a little later. It is going to hurt everyone in time.
If mortgage interest deductions are cut back, limited, or trimmed in any way, housing prices will suffer more than they have already. 
If itemized deductions are limited, average families will see their budgets squeezed more than ever.
If child credits are smacked down, cash will disappear from middle-class households overnight.
I am keeping up on the "news" and will keep you posted on what I think might happen. But nobody knows until the crooks pass the laws that they don't even read!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

ALERT! An absolute must-read for all businesspeople!

Hi everybody. I read this and just HAD to share it with as many smart people as I can reach. Please read this article. It explains what is about to happen with the economy in plain language. And it is scary. But to be forewarned is to be forearmed so it could be scarier: if you DON'T read this. "They" do not want you to read this. Please copy the following link and paste it into your browser's address bar. If you have trrouble copying this link, the article is found on the website which ia a daily read for me, article is called "Exeter's Pyramid"

Also, beware the MF Global is going to be clear soon that NO PAPER FINANCIAL ACCOUNT IS TRULY SAFE FROM THE FINGERS OF "them!" They used CLIENT FUNDS, went bankrupt. and nobody including the CME or the "watchdog" CFTC is doing a thing about it. Didn't mean to scare you!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hola! Que tal! Senor Chavez quiere his ORO! (Gold, I say!)

A huge event occurred today.....Hugo Chavez, remember the guy who said he smelled sulfur on the UN podium where our President "W" had just spoken a few years ago? Yeah, THAT GUY! Well, our amigo de Venezuela has ASKED FOR HIS GOLD BACK! ALL 99 TONS! The NERVE of anybody asking the Bank of Bloody England, and The Most Holy FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK for their deposited gold back?
I can't wait to see what happens! Maybe a shipwreck is in the cards? Or a downed 747 over the Atlantic, not findable?
Read more commentary from one of my favorite daily bloggers, at
I believe $1,800 per ounce is going to sound like a bargain in the near future, who knows?
Adios Amigos! Hola el Oro!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's like a snowball just leaving the top of the hill! Weeeeeee

Well, silver touched $42 today! Gold is making a new all-time high daily now in just about all currencies. Can you feel the end of paper money upon us? Soon we will not be able to afford an ounce of gold, or hopefully an ounce of silver either! Anyway, the game of "fiat" money (money backed by nothing, the stuff Lincoln and Kennedy both wanted to get rid of, but instead, that idea "got rid" of them!) is about to implode, I am not sure what will happen, but I can promise if paper money goes worthless, gold and silver will store a heck of a lot of value, and in the words of Van Halen, everybody will want some!

Friday, July 15, 2011

This is the stuff I get

Every day I go to a great blog named silvergoldsilver without any spaces. Google it and you can go there too. On the right he lists his daily reading, so you can just instantly go to Harvey Organ, the best, smartest daily analysis of the physical metals markets there is! Within his Thursday post is an article by a very well-respected gent and here is a teaser, or snippet if you will, from that article pasted in Harvey's blog:
"One of the big US banks texted me today to say that if QE3 actually happens, we could see gold at $5,000 and silver at $1,000. I feel terribly sorry for anybody on fixed incomes tied to a fiat currency because they are not going to be able to buy things with that paper money."
Wow! I would not want to go too much longer in this economy without reading these things....would you?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Can you read ONE article this week?

I want to share a very important article regarding the current silver market. It says what I have been saying for three years now, but very clearly, and with REAL CLEAR THINKING! Paste this into your browser!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Great Analysis of a Complex Subject, Silver! What Else?

Well the subject of this blog was supposed to be taxes.....but to be honest, with four trillion dollar wars and more to come, complete meltdowns possible in currencies, stocks, and even cash in the bank, spiraling food costs, nuclear disaster here and there (flooded Nebraska nuke plants...OH I forgot, the American media doesn't cover that!), I see no real hope of any economic recovery very soon, so taxes are just kind of boring these days compared to other topics!
Speaking of my favorite topic, I found a great summary of where the silver market sits right now.
The author of this post from is Eric Sprott, a Canadian billionaire who is a major metals fund manager and a silver bull! This long article is well worth reading, it explains one very crazy market quite well. Paste the following into your address bar, it is worth a few minutes reading!